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Property Token Offering (PTO)

Issuing Property Token (PT) backed by the underlying properties


Tokenized Properties(USD)

0times 0

Distributed Dividends(USD)


Largest Single Investment(USD)

Property Token Offering (PTO)

Issuing Property Token (PT) backed by the underlying properties


Largest Single Investment$(USD)


Distributed Dividends$(USD)


Tokenized Properties$(USD)

How PTO Works

To invest Property Tokens that represent a portfolio of global real estates

Apply PTO

The property seller initiates a PTO application

PTOHome conducts Property Due Diligence (PDD)

Investors votes for the PTO application

PTOHome discloses PT details and presale price

PT Presale

Investors choose the desired PTO project

Investors make the payment via fiat or crypto currencies

Investors receive PTs after the presale successfully completed and the property ownership transferred

PT Public Listing

Investors trade the PTs at PTEx.vip

Investors receive the rental dividend while holding the PTs

Download PTOHome Investor Guide Learn More

How PTO Works

To invest Property Tokens that represent a portfolio of global real estates

How It Works

Apply PTO

PTOHome conducts Property Due Diligence (PDD)

PTOHome discloses PT details and presale price

PT Presale

Investors choose the desired PTO project

Investors make the payment via fiat or crypto currencies

PT Public Listing

Investors trade the PTs at PTEx.vip

Investors receive the rental dividend while holding the PTs

PTOHome Investor Guide

Benefit from Passive Investing

Multiple Returns

Rental dividend, Property appreciation

Foreign currency gains, Low presale price

Fractional Investment

No need to buy the whole property

Easy In/Out

International exchange to trade PTs 24/7

Trade PTs like stocks

Cash out anywhere & anytime

Most Demanding Projects

Choose the best one by your own preference

Diversified Property Projects

From hotel condo to land projects

Cryptocurrency Payment

Pay by cryptocurrencies,

instant transaction

Any amount, anytime & anywhere

Welcome to the New Age of PropTech

Start Investing in Your Property Collection

  • Steady Cashflow

    On Sale

    Condos, Apartments, Houses


    Expected Return

    S2 Stable

    Risk Level



  • Balanced Gains

    On Sale

    Retail, Office, Hotel, Industrial


    Expected Return

    S3 Growth

    Risk Level



  • Aggressive Growth

    On Sale

    Land & Others


    Expected Return

    S4 Aggressive

    Risk Level



Building Property Portfolio to Maximize Returns

  • Condos, Apartments, Houses


    Expected Return

    S2 Stable

    Risk Level



  • Retail, Office, Hotel, Industrial


    Expected Return

    S3 Growth

    Risk Level



  • Land & Others


    Expected Return

    S4 Aggressive

    Risk Level



Discover Properties

Mark Adkins Founder and CEO at Soft-lab
Jennifer Mitrenga Head of Blockchain Inc.
John D. Software Developer at Oracle
David Streltsoff Free-lancern
Katy Fang Investment Manager(CFA)
The whole idea of investing in real estate digital assets is to invest in those markets and projects that have the fastest growth and the greatest potential without having to fly all over the world and complete global asset allocation online. One of my favorite things is that I can choose my favorite investment fields and projects.
Mark Adkins Founder and CEO at Soft-lab

Welcome to the New Age of PropTech

Global Property Investment Community

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